Friday, December 7, 2012


For my leadership blog, I decided to go outside the box. Rather than address the specific questions in the assignment, I decided to complete a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). The MBTI is a well-known personality and leadership assessment. I had completed one a few years back during my time as an intern at the Pentagon but cannot remember the results. I thought it may be interesting to go through the exercise again and share the results.

My personality type was "ENTP". According to this, I am extroverted, prefer to deal with potential outcomes rather than analyzing tangible outcomes, prefer to make logical decisions rather than value-based decisions, and prefer to go with the flow rather than be structured. This personality profile matches up with the "change-oriented" leadership style. According to the indicator results, my leadership style can be defined as follows: "A change-oriented leader tries to promote exploration of new and better ways of doing things, or tries to uncover hidden potential in people, things, or situations. Change-oriented leaders work towards a better future by trying things that are new and experimental. Although some of their initiatives may fail, others will succeed."

I would say the MBTI gave a pretty accurate description of how I view my own personal leadership style. I constantly am challenging the status-quo and looking for ways to improve upon many things. I am never shy to provide positive or constructive feedback to those in a position of power (i.e. boss, professor, etc.). Sometimes I think that just because I am always looking for feedback (more constructive than positive since I would rather know things I need to improve on), others always are which has certainly gotten me in trouble a time or two in life!

1 comment:

  1. I liked this approach to the problem, why reinvent the wheel when you could take a quiz and get an answer? Kudos for the efficiency. I actually had a similar idea but looked at the one that the professor recommended, however I decided against it when they wanted to charge for the pleasure.

    In our interaction this semester I would definitely agree with elements of the assessment, especially those regarding challenging the status quo. You struck me as a motivated forward thinker and it looks like your quiz and self assessment both agree with that.
